Members of the Liturgical Ministries (Homebound Ministry, Altar Servers, Communion Ministers, Readers, Sacristans and Ushers) assist in providing service at all parish Masses, as well as weddings, funerals, and other liturgical services.
Communion Ministers assist the priests, when needed, in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They may also assist in taking Communion to the sick or homebound. Any individual over the age of 16 may participate in this ministry. Communion Ministers must be commissioned to perform this ministry.
Readers proclaim the readings at Mass and sometimes read the Prayers of the Faithful if the deacon is not assisting at Mass. Any individual who is confirmed may participate in this ministry.
Ushers serve the community by greeting people when they come to Church, assist people with finding seats, taking up and securing the collection, choosing someone to bring up the gifts, directing the flow of those receiving communion, and passing out bulletins after Mass.